Sunday, January 27, 2019

Free Download ClassicBoy  2.0.3

Free Download ClassicBoy 2.0.3

Download ClassicBoy 2.0.3 For Free

ClassicBoy is an emulator of classic video consoles for Android devices that offers us a great user experience thanks to the simplicity of its controls

Wouldn't you just love going back to your younger years when you spent hours on end playing on your favorite video console? Well, that's exactly what you can do with ClassicBoy, a classic video console emulator for Android.

Application Details

  • Name : ClassicBoy
  • Operating System : Android
  • Current Version: 2.0.3
  • License : FREE
  • Developer : PortableAndroid
You'll be able to emulate up to 8 video consoles from your smartphone or tablet:

Similarly to other emulators, we have to download games in ROM format apart from having to copy them to our device to be able to load them. And this app offers us a wide range of options that make it a really complete emulator:

Don't hesitate to download the APK of this emulator if you want to play on a classic video console on your Android just like back in the good old days.
If you're looking for the latest version of ClassicBoy for Android, You have come to the right place. You can download ClassicBoy for FREE direct download original file, scanned application, complete with antivirus result. Minimum operating system requirements: Android 2.3..

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